Dr. Usha Karki
Available Time: 10 am - 5 pm
(It is said that there is no greater joy than that of becoming a parent.)
At Hope ‘n’ Joy, our In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) clinic, we help couples with fertility problems experience the happiness that parenthood promises.
In IVF, mature eggs retrieved from the female patient’s ovaries are fertilized by the male patient’s sperm in a laboratory before implanting the fertilized and cultured embryointo the female patient’s uterus.
The techniques used at Grande City for IVF are:
Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)
This highly effective procedure involves the use of specialized equipment,such as an inverted microscope, by embryologists to pick individual sperm with best the motility and morphology to increase chances of fertilizing the eggs.
Laser Assisted Hatching
Performed mostly on embryos before being transferred back to the patient’s womb, this procedure assists the embryo in breaking out of the shell to facilitate its implantation in the womb.
Embryo Freezing
During the IVF procedures, a number of eggs are fertilized and frozen so that should the 1st cycle not result in a successful pregnancy, frozen embryos can be retrieved for future treatment cycles. Chances of successful pregnancy by thawing a frozen embryo are not affected by the duration for which the embryo has been stored.
Egg Vitrification and Sperm Freezing
Egg vitrification, a new method for egg storage, improves the chances of eggs surviving the freeze-thaw process. Sperm freezing, a technique where sperm cells are frozen for later use, has been used in successful treatments for many years.
Freezing facilities have been offered in Nepal for the first time at Grande City. Continuous and uninterrupted freezing has become possible due to an in-house liquid nitrogen factory.
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